Author: Draconious After changing my MR02 from RM90mm to MM98mm, I will have to agree with everyone else, the longer setting handles way better.
I believe this is due to the wider front end on the MR02, thus pushing the ackerman point back further, this is a steering variable that is built into the chassis that goes along with castor, camber, and toe.
The shorter wheelbase settings combined with the wide front on the MR02 has too much ackerman, thus turning into the corners too agressivly, it was like a dream driving the mustang after driving my unpridictable F40 MR02 conversion.
The mustang also bounced off the walls better, I had to use reverse less since it would rarely get stuck with the nose up against the track wall or flip around facing the wrong way.
The mustang for some reason likes to jump into the air like a cat when it gets hit... its weird.. hopped straight up level to the ground about an inch every time, even on slow impacts.
Regardless to its larger size and hight, I highly recomend the Mustang body for both rookie and pro drivers.