Author: Brian Ma ( The parts are very small and tough to work with, but the performance increase with this can is actually noticeable, and very impressive. The brush springs keep the brush tension against the commutator nearly constant for the life of the brushes, making the motor more consistent and allowing you to change the amount of punch/power you get simply by swapping brush springs.
This is also my biggest gripe about it, however... swapping brush springs can really try your dexterity and patience. If you have some small tool with a notch in it, you'll need it to make this job easier. Using tweezers to change brush springs is NOT fun.
Again, once the hard work is done, you can really feel the improved punch and power from this can. There's also less sparking, which is a great thing with regards to brush/commutator lifespan.
The last thing I'd like to mention about the can is that it automatically advances the timing of your motor a degree or two. This isn't going to make or break your race, but it allows the motor to go a tiny bit faster in forward than reverse, and saves you the trouble of breaking and gluing your commutator to change the timing. Clever design on Atomic's part, just like this entire motor can.