Pro-Line Crowd Pleazer 2.0 Body for Mini Inferno. Includes window mask and paint-then-peel overspray film.
Retail Price: $15.00
Our Price:
$13.99 save 7%
Sorry it's been so long since you heard from us in your inbox. :) Turns out that when you mix together the demands of adulthood, add a new human to the mix, up the ante with the complexities of a tween and jumble that all together with a global pandemic, (not to mention the rising cost of EVERYTHING) you get a bit of a slow down in the small business department of life. BUT, all is not lost. We're still here shipping RC treasures to you. :)
We've got a few sales to offer too! For the remainder of 2021 take 10% off of Atomic AMZ, BZ and AMR parts with the coupon code
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